Are you a fuzz fiend? If you’re looking to dial in the perfect tone for your next doom-laden riff or psychedelic excursion, then you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’re diving headfirst into the world of guitar fuzz pedals, thanks to the incredible work of Noise Generator.
71 Fuzz Pedals – The Experiment
Noise Generator has meticulously tested 71 different fuzz pedals, all through the same rig:
- Guitar: Parts Jazzmaster (Curtis Novak Wide Range Humbuckers)
- Amp: Fender Tone Master Princeton Reverb
This consistent setup allows for a direct comparison of each pedal’s unique character and sonic capabilities.
Noise Generator has this to say;
“This video is not intended to be a scientific or comprehensive comparison. This is simply a video of 1 riff played through 71 different fuzz pedals with the same guitar and amp settings. If you’d like to hear more of any pedal, I most likely have a full demo on my channel, as do some of my friends who also make demos here on YouTube.
Thanks for watching!”

The Fuzz Pedals
Without further ado, let’s explore some of the fuzz pedals featured in this epic shootout:
- Classic Fuzz: EHX Russian Big Muff, Vox Tone Bender
- Modern Fuzz: Fairfield Unpleasant Surprise, ZVex Fuzz Factory
- Experimental Fuzz: Noise Engineering Dystorpia, Blammo! Skronk Machine

Want to hear them all?
Check out Noise Generator’s YouTube video to hear each pedal in action and form your own opinions.

What’s Your Favorite Fuzz Pedal?
Have you tried any of these pedals? What’s your go-to fuzz for crushing riffs and mind-bending solos? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
The Full Pedal List
Yes, all 71 pedals in the experiment are listed below;
0xEAE Fuzz, EHX Russian Big Muff, EHX V6 Big Muff, Fairfield Unpleasant Surprise, ZVex Fuzz Factory, Vox Tone Bender, Fairfield ~900, Pigtronix Star Eater, Silktone Fuzz, Benson Stonk Box, Tape Audio ONE, Land Devices HP-2, Mask Audio Electronics MAYBE?, Dusky Augustus, EQD Bit Commander, Black Mass The First Herald, MAE Part Garden, MAE Part Garden Germanium, Vaderin HP-X, SSBS Mini, MAE NO., Electrofoods Pigpile, Spaceman Sputnik III, MAE Black Math, Caroline Hawaiian Pizza, Mojo Hand One Ton Bee, JAM Red Muck, AC Noises URLA, Sundance OD/Fuzz, Vaderin Laser 1, Dusky Hypatia, EQD Park Fuzz Sound, Demedash Spidola, MAE/EAE Eldritch Blast, Dirty Haggard Audio Demonic Percolator, Mattoverse AirTrash, ProCo RAT, Thorpy Field Marshal, Caroline Shigeharu, Electrofoods x Dirge RBMK, Emerald Ox Kronos, Vaderin Super Ram, Bardic Audio The Beast, Rainger Chop Fuzzz, Black Mass Kill Chain, Weird Noise Fuzz It, Maestro FZ-M, Vaderin Vaporizer, VS Audio Pandora, Spaceman Charon, Rainger BLEEP, Veri-Tone Beehive, DHA Fiddy For An Ounce, Sundance Clean Fuzz, Weird Noise What The Fuzz, Vaderin Radio Dirtman, Noise Engineering Dystorpia, Vaderin Cherry Fuzz ‘Stainer, Blammo! Skronk Machine, Champion Leccy The Divvy, Fowl Sounds Flannel Overdriver, MAE Cascader, Calico Antlers, Mattoverse Bad Passenger, Blammo! Total Garbage, MAE Clubber Lang, Caroline CROM, Harmonic Incubator, MAE Screws, Electrofoods Lil Pig
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