This Klon Centaur engraved aluminium case could be a fancy upgrade you need for your boutique overdrive pedal. A highly detailed pattern for your transparent overdrive tone!
Klon Centaur Engraved
Anyone that has ever owned or seen a Klon Centaur will know that it is housed in a very nice aluminium case. Now you can upgrade your old boring case, with this neat hand-engraved upgrade.

Boutique Overdrive
Bill Finnegan, the pedal’s designer and builder wanted to make a premium quality overdrive pedal, back in the 1990s and so he went the extra mile.
Everyone has tried to copy or clone the Klon and there have even been claims recently that the Bad Monkey budget overdrive is similar sounding.

The sand-cast aluminium case gives the pedal a very robust look and feel, Being very practical as the base plate attaches via two large screws and the case itself is pretty bomb-proof.

Upgrade your Klon?
Now, an eBay seller in Australia is offering these ornately engraved cases. Each one could be used to build your own Klon clone. Or perhaps re-house your original if you are brave enough to dismantle it.

The original Klon famously has a glooped circuit board cover in some kind of epoxy to keep it intact. It also helped to keep the circuit a mystery from pedal cloners for many years.
Now you can upgrade your old boring Klon case with a fancy new one for under $300…
MSRP – $269.99
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